Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog Sale, Most Wanteds, and Cute Pictures of Oscar

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I added a few more things to the blog sale.  I've also started a most wanted page, where I post the blushes that I'm interested in adding to my collection.  

Finally, hold on to your seats, I have something that I know everyone wants (haha!).  New pics of Oscar!  Yay.   We went to a dog event called Woofstock this weekend, so he's sporting his tie-dye bandanna.  Here are some pics of my boy.  Here, Oscar is smiling.

Another one where he's smiling (while he's sitting).

Yet Another Smile!

Oscar sure is a happy boy!

Wait, here's a serious one! Yay!

Finally, everyone needs a snack!
Thanks for looking and have a great day!!!!

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